RASPD+ is a computationally fast protocol for identifying lead-like molecules based on predicted binding free energy against a target protein with a 3D structure and a defined ligand binding pocket.
ParDOCK+ is an all-atom energy based Monte Carlo,rigid protein ligand docking, implemented in a fully automated, parallel processing mode which predicts the binding mode of the ligand in receptor target site.
FishBAIT is application software that screens thousands of protein structures at a time against input molecules and provides potential Targets as well as the Bioactivity Informations for Organic Compound.
To develop novel scientific methods and highly efficient algorithms, combining principles of Chemistry and Biology with Information Technology for Genome analysis, Protein structure prediction and target directed Lead molecule design pursuing the dream of SCFBio.
Also the facility is committed towards creating a pool of Bioinformatics Professionals in the country through it's specialized training Programmes.
The facility is providing free access of its Bioinformatics and Computational Biology tools to the global user community and free Supercomputing time to Students & Reseachers with-in the country.