
General shortcuts

Keyboard shortcut Function
Esc Closes the dialog boxes;
Activates the Selection button if there is not any selection on the canvas (Rectangle Selection will be the active tool.)
Del Deletes any selection on the canvas, and deletes an atom or bond for hover-over without selection, too
Ctrl+Del Clears the canvas
Ctrl+O Opens the Import dialog window
Ctrl+S Opens the Save dialog window
Ctrl+Z Performs "Undo" action
Ctrl+Y Performs "URedo" action
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+V Paste
Enter Zoom All
Ctrl+Enter Zoom to Selection
Ctrl+D Activates the Drawing tool

Shortcuts for selecting atoms

Keyboard shortcut Function
Typing the symbol of any of the known elements places the appropriate atom on the cursor.
D Places the deuterium atom symbol on the cursor
T Places the tritium atom symbol on the cursor