More advanced display format can be obtained for the molecule by applying format styles.
Format styles in Marvin include the setting of the following attributes:
- type of atom font,
- size of atom font,
- color of atoms,
- thickness of bonds,
- color of bonds,
- length of bonds.
All these options can be collectively set using styles. To load or define styles use the File > Document Style menu.
This menu brings up the "Format of the current document" dialog in which atom and bond format options can be specified. The original attributes for atoms and bonds can be restored by using the Reset functions of the dialog at any time.
When loading a molecule all atoms/bonds belong to the default atom/bond set if no styles were applied previously.
After selecting an atom/bond set and applying a style for it, the selected atoms/bonds are removed from the default atom/bond set and a new set is created from the atoms/bonds with new style.
All the atoms/bonds, whose style were not yet modified by selection and applying a style on them, still belong to the default atom/bond set.
Your changes might be applied for a set of atoms/bonds:
- for the selected atom/bond set,
- for the default atom/bond set,
- for all the atoms/bonds.
The top three radio buttons specify the target of the format settings being edited in the dialog.
The "Apply changes for all the atoms/bonds" option allows loading of predefined styles or creation of custom styles using the Load Style and Save Style buttons.