Training of Calculator Plugins via cxtrain





Calculation of property predictions (such as logP and pKa ) can be enhanced when experimental data are available for molecules that are similar to the target. Such user-specific information can be incorporated into so-called training libraries, which can be generated via the ChemAxon's commandline tool cxtrain. It is a part of JChem and Marvin Beans pogram packages. The generated training library, stored on the user's own computer, is later used by the calculator plugins for improving the prediction of properties.



Download and launch platform specific installer by following the installation instructions.


cxtrain <prediction> [options] [input file (training set)] 
pka                                   train pKa prediction
logp                                  train logP prediction
prediction                            train custom prediction
General options:
cxtrain -h, --help                    this help message
 -i, --training-id<training>          sets the training ID
 -l, --list                           list available training ID's
 -g, --ignore-error                   continue with next molecule on error
pKa options:
 -V, --validation <filepath>          validation results file path
logP options:
 -t, --tag <tag name>                 name of the SDFile tag that stores the experimental logP values
 -a, --add-built-in-training-set      add built-in logP training set
Custom prediction options:
 -t, --tag <tag name>                 name of the SDFile tag that stores the experimental property values 

The training is run by calling cxtrain as follows:

cxtrain <prediction> [options] [input file (training set)] 
where 'prediction' must be chosen from among "pka", "logP" or "prediction" (used for a custom property). There are general options that can be used with each training type and property-specific options as well.

General options
pKa specific option
logP specific options
Custom prediction option


The input of the software is a file which supports molecular properties (such as SDfile, MDL molfile, Compressed molfile, Compressed SDfile).

The place of the training library

The generated training library will be stored on your computer , and it can be used via Marvin, Chemical Terms, Instant JChem or cxcalc.


Usage examples

See also logP, pKa and Predictor training pages.