Installing Licenses

For typical desktop applications with versions 5.0 or above, please refer to Installing Licenses to Desktops.

General information on installing

License file location
The license file should either be at the default location or in case of a custom location, the location should be configured to the license manager.

The default location is .chemaxon/license.cxl (Unix) or chemaxon\license.cxl (Windows) under the user's home directory.
On Unix systems - including most distributions of Linux - the home directory for each user takes the form /home/username (where username is the name of the user account). In newer versions of Microsoft Windows, based on the multi-user Windows NT, each user has a home directory which by default is located at C:\Documents and Settings\username when using the English language version of the OS (with username again replaced by the particular user's login name).

In case of a web application (e.g. JSP pages) the license file should be placed on the server side, the user home is the home directory of the user that runs (owns) the web server.

In case of Marvin applets (or web applications having embedded Marvin applets to access the plugin calculations), the license file should either be placed on the client side, or some configuration is required.

Available ways of installing