Here, XXX can be any molecule or image format like mol, sdf, rdf, rgf, rxn, csmol, cssdf, csrdf, csrgf, csrxn, smiles, cxsmiles, abbrevgroup, mrv, cml, jpeg, png, ppm or svg, but aromatization options have no effect on formats which do not store bond orders like cube, pdb and xyz.
a, +a, +a_gen General aromatization. Example: "XXX:a" a_bas Basic aromatization. Example: "XXX:a_bas" a_loose Loose aromatization. Example: "XXX:a_mdl" -a Dearomatize. Example: "XXX:-a" H or +H Add explicit Hydrogen atoms. Example: "XXX:H" -H Remove explicit Hydrogen atoms. Example: "XXX:-H"