Crashes, freezes and other bugs


Freezing bugs

  1. Problem: I tried to choose a template set (such as "Rings") in the MarvinSketch applet on my webpage, but the applet does not respond.

    Solution: The most likely cause is that the applet is improperly installed or there is a wrong ARCHIVE or CODEBASE setting in the applet tag, so it cannot find the chemaxon/marvin/templates directory. If Marvin is installed into "somedirectory", then
    use this: ARCHIVE="marvin.jar" CODEBASE="somedirectory"
    NOT this (WRONG!): ARCHIVE="somedirectory/marvin.jar"

  2. P: I tried to do ... but the applet on my page does not respond, and I found a message in the Java Console: "Cannot preload module: ..."

    S: The most likely cause is that the applet is improperly installed or there is a wrong ARCHIVE or CODEBASE setting in the applet tag, so it cannot find the class files in the chemaxon/marvin/modules/ directory. If Marvin is installed into "somedirectory", then
    use this: ARCHIVE="marvin.jar" CODEBASE="somedirectory"
    NOT this (WRONG!): ARCHIVE="somedirectory/marvin.jar"

  3. P: When trying to print a molecule in the applet, it asks "An applet would like to print" (Yes/No) several times, then the applet freezes.

    S: You might use a buggy Java plugin version such as 1.4.0. You should upgrade (or downgrade) Java.
    Detailed explanation: In Java 1.4.0, one Toolkit.getPrintJob() call results in two or more confirm dialogs asking the same question, then one PrintJob.getGraphics() call results in even more questions and freezing when called from an unsigned applet.

  4. P: Microsoft Internet Explorer freezes before the applet is finished loading. The following message in shown the status bar:
    "Opening Java class:"

    S: This is a bug in Microsoft's old Java 1.1 virtual machine, that appears under certain circumstances. As a workaround, you should preload the XXX module. If it still freezes but at class YYY, then you should preload YYY too, etc. See the MarvinView Example XYZ Animations.

  5. P: Netscape 6 (Sun JRE 1.3) and Mozilla freeze in Linux when an applet method like MSketch.getMol() is called from JavaScript.

    S: This is a browser/JVM bug that occurs if an applet method is called from JavaScript that requests downloading a class file from the web (with http protocol). The workaround is to preload the extra classes that will be used by the method (see MarvinSketch Example - Import/export of built-in and user defined molecule formats in JavaScript). Another solution is to upgrade Java on the user's machine. The problem does not exist in JRE 1.4.

  6. P: MarvinSketch and MarvinView applications sometimes crash under Windows with Java 1.4.1_01.

    S: JRE 1.4.1_01 is a buggy Java version. Many Java applications beside Marvin freeze with this version or other serious problems can occur. See on bugparade.

  7. P: MarvinSketch and MarvinView applications can freeze with Java 1.4.1

    S: In wireframe display mode with visible "atom symbols" and "all hydrogens" settings sometimes the JRE cannot draw short lines and this may causes freezing. See on Sun's Bug Parade

Function does not work

Browser crashes

Other bugs