D2N: Distance to Native

Reliability of modeled protein structures has emerged as one of the biggest concerns in protein structure prediction (PSP) research. D2N is a distance metric created out of four physicochemical parameters for predicting RMSD of a modeled protein structure in the absence of a knowledge of its native form. Currently, D2N also calculates TM and GDT scores to assess the quality of the modeled input structure.                                       

[Sample File] [Instruction to use D2N Tool] [ReadMe for Downloadable Version] [Download for Linux environment from here]

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*Please upload only protein structure in PDB format and remove white spaces and special characters from file name.

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For any comments or queries kindly mail avinash@scfbio-iitd.res.in


1. Avinash Mishra, Prashant S. Rana, Aditya Mittal, B Jayaram, "D2N: Distance to the native", BBA - Proteins and Proteomics, 2014, 1844 (10), 1798-1807. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1570963914001848

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