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Mechanical Fabrication

Name of the Facility:

Mechanical Fabrication

Year of Installation:

This facility was created in 1971 as a part of Instrument Design Development Centre. It was then known as the IDDC Workshop and formed a part of the service functions of IDDC. In 1995, it was converted to a Central Facility to look after the entire post graduate mechanical fabrication needs of the Institute. It was renamed as the Mechanical Fabrication Facility (MFF).

Location of the Facility:

The Mechanical Fabrication Facility is located in the IDD Centre. On entering the IDDC, one walks along the main corridor, at the end of which one has to turn left into another corridor. The MFF is located at the end of this corridor.

Details of various functions

The Mechanical Fabrication Facility looks after the mechanical fabrication needs of the Faculty, the post-graduate students and the research scholars of the Institute. Fabrication jobs pertaining to sponsored research and consultancy is also done here. Later, MFF was also given the responsibility of fabrication of special undergraduate jobs, which can not be done by undergraduate students in the Central workshop. . This is a heavily used Central Facility and caters to a yearly average of about 500 to 600 jobs.

All jobs are carried out on the basis of job-cards, submitted by the job requisitioner. It takes jobs in the following priority:

  1. M.Tech., M.Des., B.Tech. and Ph.D. student projects
  2. Institute/Department/Centre jobs
  3. Sponsored Project jobs
  4. Consultancy jobs.

A limited amount of material is kept in our sub-stores. Whenever the material requirement is small and the material is available with the sub store, we provide the material. Otherwise, the requisitioner is requested to arrange for it.

Co ordinator:Prof. Naresh Bhatnagar

  • Existing Central Facilities
    • Central Glass Blowing
    • TEM
    • SEM
    • AFM/STM
    • Liquid Nitrogen
    • NMR
    • MALDI/MS
    • SCF Bio-informatics
    • Rapid Protyping
    • GC/MS
  • Newly established laboratories in 2012
    • UV-Vis-NIR
    • Steady state Fluorescence Spectrometer
    • Time-resolved photoluminescence spectrometer
    • Flash protein liquid chromatograph)
    • Isothermal Calorimeter
    • Dynamic Laser Scattering
    • Microwave reactor
    • Surface Plasmon Resonance
    • Liquid chromatograph
    • 2D-gel electrophoresis
    • Multiplate reader
    • Bench top PXRD