Five Species of malarial parasite (Plasmodium) are know to affect Humans, i.e., P. falciparum, P. ovale, P. malariae, P. vivax and P. knowlesi. P01 is one the strain of P. vivax which has been collected and annotated, which is directly connected to a patient in Papua Indonesia (PvP01), isolates from China (PvC01) and Thailand (PvT01), and have an improved version of genome over P. vixax Sal-1, Also reported as closely related to P. falciparum.
Apart from this, 58% of the core genes have been attributed to P01 as 38% in Sal-1. Genome contributes 29 Mb of genome size and 40% of GC content. About 6500 genes are predicted in P01 including 1200 PIR compared to 346 in Sal-1. Fourteen linear chromosomes contributes nuclear DNA. Currently we have only few (<1%) experimental protein structures in PDB.
PvP01DB databank is a dynamic repository of structural information of Plasmodium vivax P01 which includes sequence and structure based annotations.